ABC Stocktaking Services Ltd will value all stock on customers premises, using standard or customised departmental breakdowns. Dispensary items are scanned and valued using current IPU prices and again categorised by relevant departments. All out of date stock is identified and removed from sale. Short dated items and incorrect pricing are highlighted to relevant staff members. All stock is counted (not estimated) and all valuations are backed up by a full audit trail detailing every single entry, affording the customer full confidence in the accuracy of the figures presented
Live Stock (System Update)
ABC Stocktaking Services will download the customers product file to our handhelds and in the same manner as above we will scan every item and record the relevant stock level using service providers software. Non Scanning stock, if encountered, is identified, valued separately and communicated to the customer. The total stock is then uploaded to the customers EPOS or dispensary system and the stock levels amended to reflect the new levels, At this stage we will generate a stock on hand listing to complete the valuation process.